For the final project of ICS 314, my team and I decided to create a web application called ManoaCart. The team consists of Derrick Luyen, Gum San Aung, Jeffrey Yu, Ryan Ganiron, and me. The purpose of the project is to provide a platform for UH Manoa students to buy and sell supplies from a course that they had taken before. This would allow students to be more aware of supplies that may be needed for their future courses. The website allows UH Manoa students to register an account to sell their items and to buy items from the other users as well. There are additional features for users to rate the sellers (by giving stars from 1 to 5), report the user by sending a report to the admin, and also view the seller’s profile.
The ManoaCart Project has tasks assigned differently by using Github’s issue driven management. The work I contributed were based on issues given to me and mostly worked around it. One of my first major implementation is displaying all the items that were sold onto a particular buying page. When one of the items are selected, the website will link to a new page specific to that item and will display all the additional features, as shown above. Another major implementation is creating an admin specific page if the admin account is ever logged in. The admin page has an overview of all the collections (items, users, reports) and has the ability to delete any of them when necessary. The third implementation is having a search bar for all the student users. The items that are currently being sold are items that can be searched and the website will redirect to the specific page. A visual web design implementation was adding a description component to the landing page that will provide a brief overview of what ManoaCart is, as shown in project card.
This ManoaCart Project was an opportunity for me to work in a team environment especially for software development. It was interesting how ideas are being decided and assembled. Initially, there was not much to ideas to begin with and gradually, ideas became easier to develop that could be implemented as a feature. A part of the project that stood out to me was learning how to branch, merge, and commit different versions together in Github. Overall, I am proud of how our final project turned out, along with being part of an amazing team.
ManoaCart Project: ManoaCart Organization Page